Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sara (SaraR), undiagnosed bio

I am 28 years old and have been suffering from cushing's symptoms for over 2 years now.

Several years ago I was diagnosed with depression. In the past 2 years it has gotten worse and my anxiety level and panic attacks have greatly increased. I have tried several different medications that have been no help, especially with the anxiety.

In the past year I have gained over 60 lbs and in the past 6 months I have gotten stretch marks all over my stomach and back. I looks like I am pregnant, but I am not. I am always tired and irriatable. I can never get enough sleep. I have started getting dark hair on the back of my arms and under my chin ( I have dirty blonde hair naturally). In the past couple of months I started doing the Atkins diet and have not lost weight...I have started walking/running again and nothing has worked. I have had severe back pain and the Chiropractor can't seem to fix the problem. It is hard for me to bend over sometimes and it makes me made because I am still fairly young. I recently went to a new Internist and I just completed my blood work and 24 urine test. I am waiting on the results....any day now. I know that I am not a Doctor, but I feel like I have the symptoms.

Is there anybody out there that can give me some advice? What is the next step...does it even sound like Cushings??

Thanks for ANY advice...Sara

Email Sara

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sarah (Sass), pituitary bio

39 yr old - Diagnosed 20 Oct 08. Surgery 28 Nov 08.

Email Sarah

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