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Theresa's Story...

My name is Therea. I'm 30 yrs old, the mother of five beautiful children, and have been married to my highschool sweet heart for 10+ years.

My story begins with the birth of my last child. He was a tough pregnancy and born 6 wks early. I had a c-section due to him being breach. Immediately after his birth I got an infection in my incision sight and my illnesses seemed to go from that point on. between urinary tract infections, sinus infections, pneumnia numerous times and an overall feeling of just not feeling like myself, I began to worry something just wasn't right with my body. I have always been an energetic, strong, and happy person. Now I felt exhausted all the time and very depressed. I sought out the help of my family dr. He ran a series of blood tests and colcluded that I had EBV (chronic fatigue syndrome) and a low thyroid. Soon after, I was started on synthroid and took lots of vitamin C.

But my tiredness and depression just didn't seem to let up.

Two years later a blood test showed that I had soom irregularities in my hormones and my dr. ordered a brain MRI to see if I possibly had a pituitary adenoma (tumor). The test results came back and I was tumor free, but diagnosed with empty sella syndrome. Something had filled the cavity my pituitary gland is located in and crushed it flat. This meant more tests to see which of my hormones still worked and which ones didn't. After more blood tests, urinallysis tests and a insulin tolerence test it was discovered I am not creating any GH (growth hormone). I will now be taking my synthroid like I always do on a daily basis and adding to it a daily injection of growth hormone.

I conclude my story with the hope that I can be the person I used to be. I hope to have my energy and stamina back and that happy overall feeling I miss so much. Not just for me, but for my husband and my children who have been so supportive and need me as much as I need them. I hope to write in my bio soon that I have all this and more. Never stop dreaming!!!!

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