Tuesday, December 23, 2008

imbolcgirl (imbolcgirl), undiagnosed bio

I'm a 28 yo woman, and had been overweight growing up (Slavic diet!), but was able to take and keep the weight off with a sensible diet and excerise. I had viral meningitis in 2004 and ever since then, everything has gone south. I gained 80-odd pounds in 14 months with no change in diet, and now several years later can't stop gaining weight even on very restrictive diet/exercise regimens. I was tested for PCOS but came up with no cysts, am not currently diabetic but hoping to not become one, and tired, punky, and getting really really desperate. I do hit for most symptoms, excepting a prominent buffalo hump. I have worked in medicine (allied, not a dr or nurse) and am almost afriad to present my question of cushing's to my dr, but I don't know what else to do! I gain weight on 1400 calories a day, and exercised myself right into a torn-up A/C joint! I'm just so afraid to even ask for the tests because of "med-student's disease" or being called a hypochondriac. . . and I do NOT want to have bariatric surgery unless I really really need it!

Currently, I am 130 pounds over my pre-meningitis weight, up all night drinking and running to the bathroom, have a seriously huge belly with lovely skinny ankles and wrists, stretch marks on breasts, belly, and underarms, look at me twice and I bruise, have weird temperature issues - my feet are numb, my hands turn blue, but if I go to bed under even one blanket I wake up soaked in sweat. I have a bit of the lovely "extra" hair, and haven't been interested in the sensual side of life in months.

Things I do NOT hit for: I'm not quite a diabetic using home testing, close but no cigar, and I consistently have LOW blood pressure, usually. I'm on hormones, otherwise I have very long and heavy girly times, rather then short/light/nonexistent.

I see my doc somewhat suddenly tomorrow (I finally got completely frustrated being told to "just eat less" and decided to just ask for the testing.) This is the middle of nowhere, but my doc is not a bad guy by any stretch - but how do I ask without looking crazy? Can meningitis squoosh your pit enough to cause Cushing's even? AM I just nuts?

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