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Erica's Story

my story is to send a little encouragement, that if you trust in God, he will bring you thru any situation, including this one.

i started having many problems just like everyone story starts off. i had the facial hair and excessive weight problems, where no matter what diet i did or how much i exercised i kept gaining the weight. the first doctor i went to told me in his own words "you're not pushing the plate back, and what i think may be too much on your plate, you may not think so and that's why you're gaining all this weight", with this i stormed out immediately and knew i had to find a new doctor. i have always felt that if i know or feel something is wrong with my body, only i know it so there had to be and i wasn't letting anyone tell me different.

i prayed to God to set me up with the perfect doctor and within a month, i was established with a doctor who thru God basically saved my life. she immediately ran test to see if it was PCOS or my thyroid which both came back fine. she then referred me to my endocrinologist, who i wouldn't trade for the world who as soon as i walked in his office told me he felt as if i looked like a Cushings patient. with him being so thorough he tested me for months, to make sure all test came back pointing to Cushing's and they did. with the MRI he did, it was found that i had two small tumors on my pituitary glands, one producing too much acth and the other too much prolactin, causing my periods to stop. he then set up an appointment for me to meet with dr vance and dr laws at uva for a consult for surgery.

everyone i met God put in my path to help me go thru it smoothly! i met with them at the end of january and dr laws scheduled my surgery two weeks from meeting with him on february 2nd, 2006. i had the transphenoidal surgery w/o any complications. my cortisol levels went all the way to "0" and i wasn't complaining at all with any pain. i had about 6 resident doctors and dr laws around me amazed of my recovery. i even got to go home after being in the hospital for only 2 nights!

i have since had another mri, which came back clear, my endocrinologist has done the 24 hr urine catch and other blood test which have all came back normal. the weight is the only issue i have but i'm working my hardest to get that off too in the gym everyday!!!!

my self esteem is finally building itself up and i'm finally starting to date and go out whereas before i was too embarrassed with the way i thought i looked. i'm a little disappointed at myself for allowing myself to miss out on things, i'm only 27 yrs old and i'm just starting to live. God never gives us more then what he knows we can handle, i think this is a testimony to others not look to the doctors as your source but God, he will lead and direct you to the right places and people at the right time that can help you. when we try to rush and do it ourselves, we only make it worst and even harder to correct, be lead by God and i promise you'll have a better ending to this disease! feel free to email me, i would love to hear from anyone close to roanoke, va.

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