Friday, July 10, 2009

Christine (Christine), undiagnosed bio

Hi my name is Christine. I am 52 yrs old and under going the first stages of the diagnosis of Cushings Syndrome

My diagnosis started back in Septmeber 2008 but unfortunatly I still don't have a final diagnosis almost a year on.

I am at my wits end with frustration and feeling really poorly right now and know were to ask questions.

I have just returned home from a 5day stay in hospital for a midnight cortisone test. I left more frustrated than ever as the tests all went so very wrong and I may have to return and start all over again.

Can you help by answering this question.....when asleep and blood is taken at I have to be in a deep sleep state for a result. Obviously I keep waking up and my Consultant insists I must remain in deep state sleep to confirm a diagnosis.

Please can someone help.

Email Christine

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